Why Us

Free eBooks

Marine Command e-book section offers access to various study materials and info from various sources on various Maritime subjects in general and for specific MOT examination purposes in various file formats. We also invite you to share any study material without any copyright issues which you have and may be useful for the Maritime community. Happy Learning.

Career Guidance

In this section you may find useful links and info regarding various career options for maritime professionals and courses to upgrade your educational qualifications and skills for further progress or alternative career options.

Professional Writing

Marine Command invites all like-minded maritime professionals and students to participate and contribute through their knowledge and experience with writings and articles on maritime subjects and legislation updates in the maritime industry impacting maritime professionals. We sincerely thank all the participants in this endeavor.

We are Marine Command

It is our humble beginning of two serving Maritime Professionals to share the Maritime Knowledge and Experience and give it back to the Maritime Community so that other Maritime Professionals and aspiring Students can benefit from it.
We invite all like minded Maritime Professionals and Students to contribute Voluntarily and share their knowledge and experience so that our seafaring community can benefit.
We wish to provide quality and practical information through e-books , articles , forum discussions , questions and answers to the Maritime examinations, career guidance to begin with. Also, we wish to provide a platform for Professional writings, sharing of information, photographs and much more”.
“We know what the Sea Ahead may present us , we never found that sufficient reason for remaining ashore. For we wanted the freedom of open air and adventure. “


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Priya Sharma


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident

Dinesh Adhikari


Einappropriate behavior is often laughed off as “boys will be boys,” women face higher conduct standards especially in the workplace. That’s why it’s crucial that, as women, our behavior on the job is beyond reproach.

Rajeb Sukla
